Supporting and guiding through the rediscovery of
the Sacred Self
Certified Health, Wellness, Life & Executive Coach
Individuals & Organizations
Management & Soft Skills Coaching
Do you know what is the fundamental role of a performant manager?
> To grow their team, on personal and professional levels
How does a manager help them grow on personal and professional levels?
> His reassuring, motivating and coherent posture
> Mastering the art of coaching and delegation
When is the last time you have invested in coaching and soft skills training
for your management team members?
Such as :
Time Management
Stress & Energy management
Crisis management
Problem solving
Goal setting
Communication skills
Team management
Interpersonal skills
Self confidence
According to Coaching Perspectives published in April 2018: Hawkins, quoting a 2004 survey by the UK's Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, suggests that the main drive behind the investment in coaching in organizations is the desire to improve individual performance and develop employee’s capacity for “higher relationship skills and emotional intelligence”. Nowadays, business leaders are recognizing the value of coaching in relation to building successful organizations.
Why Investing in Management and Soft Skills Coaching?
Have you ever evaluated the hard costs and soft costs of:
- Absenteeism
- High Turnover
- Gen Z, Y, X challenges
If not, it's time to do so and contact me to start creating a Happy and Sustainable Environment.
Highlights of the ICF Global Coaching Client Study published in 2009:
· 96.2% of the respondents report they would repeat their coaching experience.
· The median company return on investment was 700 % or seven times the initial investment.
Company Benefits
Happy workforce = Happy Clients = Happy Performance!
Coaching is one of the most powerful tool to bring change and transformation to any organization's human resources.
The ICF Global Coaching Client Study, published in 2009, clients reported benefits such as:
· Better corporate culture
· More courageous conversations, more intentionality, more strategic approach
· Enabled an environment of internal coaching and encouraged staff at all levels to see the value in own external personal/leadership coaching
· People listen to each other, support each other and enjoy coming to work more. Performance has improved
· My department has achieved a much better team spirit
· Better communication, shared understanding of the vision, very high mutual trust
· Better interpersonal discussion between management and staff
Individual Benefits
« An individual is like an orange fruit: you either squeeze it and you create juice. Or you plant it and you obtain a fruit tree.» - Idriss Aberkane
In the ICF Global Coaching Client Study published in 2009, among 2,130 clients surveyed, over 70% reported the following significant improvements:
· Self-esteem/self-confidence (80%)
· Relationships (73%)
· Communication skills (72%)
· Interpersonal skills (71%)
· Work performance (70%)
Wide Range of Action
Two main levels of work:
Individual: from prepping a talent for their next career level within the organization, to help or prepare a manager for their role, to optimizing someone’s ability to interact in an international context, there are many ways to help your team members to support your business in the best conditions possible.
Team: from a project that needs multiple teams on the deck to communicate smoothly, to a change management situation, I guide teams and management to build a coherence and resilience together as a group, to achieve the goals.
Different Goals, Different Ways
It can be done in a form of afternoon workshops to create awareness on specific topics addressing a particular need (emotional intelligence, stress management, health management, communication and interpersonal skills...), as well as 3 intensive days on a specific goal to a once a week for few months to build momentum and deep change.
Online on demand training will be developed in the next future to support this change process in an Agile way.
The One Big Challenge
The X, Y, Z Challenge
On top of our uniqueness as a human being, and the VUCA environment, we are also in a time of multi-generational teams (therefore multi expectations) which represents a big challenge for managers.
It is crucial to act now to transition to the Multiple Gen Managers' role transformation.